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I think, in the ClientServer ChartFX, everytime I make a change in the

chart, like setting a new Galery, new Axis propertys, or new Margins, and so


the chart refreshs imedialty, "after" the funcition is called.(or may be I

am no getting it right)

But what if, I want to make some changes, like 5 at the same time, and then

refresh the chart and not refresh the chart 5 times ? Is that possible ?



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If you are changing properties through the toolbar or right click menu then,

yes every time you change one item it will refresh. If you are changing

items through the properties dialog or through code then no it will only

refresh once.

Justin Trask

Tech. Support


"Andre Moreira" <andre@markdata.pt> wrote in message



> I think, in the ClientServer ChartFX, everytime I make a change in the

> chart, like setting a new Galery, new Axis propertys, or new Margins, and


> one,

> the chart refreshs imedialty, "after" the funcition is called.(or may be


> am no getting it right)


> But what if, I want to make some changes, like 5 at the same time, and


> refresh the chart and not refresh the chart 5 times ? Is that possible ?


> Thakx


> Andr

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