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Axis Autoscale- why doesn't it scale back?

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I have noticed that the scale will scale up properly when new data is

added, however, when new, smaller values are added it does not reduce.

Over a long period of time, with many data sets being added, the axis

grows and grows and charted values become relatively tiny.

Help would be appreciated. I have tried setting AutoScale to FALSE and

calling AdjustScale whenever data is added, however, this doesn't work


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This is by design as scaling down requires the whole dataset to be examined.

Calling RecalcScale will recalculate the scale Up or Down but it has to go

thru all the data which may be a performance concern when you have a lot of

points. Use RecalcScale wisely.



Software FX, Inc.

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On Thu, 16 May 2002 16:26:43 -0400, "SoftwareFX Support"

<support@softwarefx.com> wrote:

>This is by design as scaling down requires the whole dataset to be examined.

>Calling RecalcScale will recalculate the scale Up or Down but it has to go

>thru all the data which may be a performance concern when you have a lot of

>points. Use RecalcScale wisely.




>Software FX, Inc.

Thanks, RecalcScale is what I was looking for. I am using small

datasets and I plan on calling it every nth time the data is reset,

with n=~>5.

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