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License Error in TChartFX

User (Legacy)

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I have bought and installed ChartFX Client/Server.. All was fine

until today (about a month after purchase/installation), when I now get an

error when trying to run my application which is reported as:

"Exception EOLEEror in module <my exe> at 00067C3C. License Information for

TChartFX is invalid."

I had not changed the program in any way. I have tried uninstalling and

re-installing ChartFX (with my license key), but the problem persists.

My program is written in Delphi 5.0 SP1. Can anyone shed any light?


Nick Wallbridge

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Thanks for the very quick response. You are correct - I did have a trial

version installed before I bought the full version. Re-importing the

control does appear to have cleared it - a bit obscure though!

Should there be something to warn people about this in the installation

instructions? I have just checked and I couldn't find anything



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