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Clear X-axis labels

User (Legacy)

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Dear Sir,

What is the correct VB6 code to clear the x-axis labels.

ChartFX1.Axis(AXIS_X).ClearLabels doesn't work.

Currently I can only set it by doing: "Right click chart" - Properties -

Axes - Details - Labels - Show Labels (unselected).

Or in code: ChartFX1.Axis(AXIS_X).Label(0) = "", which is rather unusal.

Best regards, Arnoud

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It works on my side. I did:

ChartFX1.Legend(0) = "Label 1"

And then, later:


And I got numbers on the X-Axis again (as it was before setting the Legend


Do you want you labels to be empty or to be null, there is a difference,

when they are null (no labels) numbers will be shown in its place, when they

are empty ("") then nothing will be shown.

If you want nothing to be shown, you need to assign Legend(0) = ""



Software FX, Inc.


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