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Problems after installing ChartFX Client Server v 4 on Win2000 Server

User (Legacy)

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Did anyone have problems installing ChartFX on Win2000? I installed it

the other day and my computer is now a mess (even the most basic Windows

functions -- like copying files -- won't work; I'm having to do things

via MS-DOS prompts!).

Things are in such bad shape, in fact, that I'm thinking I may have to

reinstall Windows. Before I do that, however, I thought I'd check



Anne Massard



I believe more than half of the Chart FX users use Windows 2000 including

most of our support and development staff. So the problem has to be related

to something else not Windows 2000 per se maybe some other application that

you have installed, a driver or something of that sort.



Software FX, Inc.


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