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Points Shifting on SetScrollView

User (Legacy)

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I have a chart with 144 data points  (every 10 minutes).  I allow the user

to zoom in, at which point I want to show 3 hours. If i zoom in , and

scroll to the beginning of the day/chart, and modify values (say at 8:10 and

8:20), then, as soon as i scroll away (using setscrollview) the values get

shifted by 1 datapoint and become 8:20 and 8:30. Only if i scroll back to

the chart beginning (far left) does it correct itself.

I am using SetScrollView( pos, pos+18) to get to a particular dataset.

any ideas?



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Ok, as you probably  hoped... in creating a test case to send, i was able to

fix the problem.

I found that if you have AXIS_X.STEP > 1 (i have it at 6), and

SetScrollView(1,20), it shows points 0 thru point 19, but if I have STEP =

1, it shows points 1 through point 20. So, to fix it, I set STEP = 1 and

SetScrollView( 1,19 ).

thanx for your quick and willing support,


"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> We have been unable to reproduce this problem with the information you


> given us. Could you please send us a piece of code (sample) that


> it ?


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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