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Some questions regarding chartfx webforms

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I have the following questions regarding the chartfx webforms...

1) I keep getting the "Built using chartfx for .Net Development" on the

charts that I am using. How can I make it disappear. My client is not

happy with it and it wastes a lot of space on the actual chart display.

2) How can I select the increments on the vertical axis. i.e. right now,

after I set the minimum and maximum using:

chartTrend.AxisY.Min = 0

chartTrend.AxisY.Max = 600

Chartfx selects the increments of 300 or anything aribitrary that it wants,

what if I want to select increments of 100? How can I do that?

3) On x-axis, I have date, so chartfx starts labelling from the second

increment and it does not label the starting point on x-axis i.e. the one

that coincides with 0, how can I label the first date on x-axis?

4) How can I make the overall chart display area longer so that the axes

style enclosing the actual chart display covers more space within the chart,

the default is such that the actual chart display within the outer layer is

less than 50% of the whole length of the chart.


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> 1) I keep getting the "Built using chartfx for .Net Development" on the


This message appears because you are using "Chart FX Development/Test

Server" to produce these charts. If you want this to disappear, you need to

run your app in a server licensed for production.

> 2) How can I select the increments on the vertical axis. i.e. right now,


chartTrend.AxisY.Step = 100

Chart FX chooses the SMALLES round step that will fit the available space,

setting manually to 100 may produce overlapped labels.

> 3) On x-axis, I have date, so chartfx starts labelling from the second ...

This could mean two things and I don't have enough info to know which one so

I'll explain both:

if your X-Axis is just labels, that is you are not passing X-Values to Chart

FX but just string labels, the this issue is the same as 2) the Step chosen

by Chart FX was 2 as a Step of 1 will bring the labels to close to each


If this is an X/Y chart (you are passing X-Values to Chart FX), Char FX will

try and display "nice" numbers, if your data starts at a number that is not

"round" the first label will be display at the first round number before

your data.

To eliminate this behavior, simply set:

chartTrend.AxisX.Style = chartTrend.AxisX.Style And Not


This will however produce labels that are not rounded (e.g. 2/17/1999).

> 4) How can I make the overall chart display area longer so that the axes


Some margins are intentionally left around the chart area to make the chart

appear more clean. To minimize these margins you can set:

chartTrend.TopGap = 1

chartTrend.LeftGap = 1

chartTrend.BottomGap = 1

chartTrend.RightGap = 1



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