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Line Chart

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How do I create SMOOTH and connected line Chart (please refer to

expected.jpg)? For your information, some of the point on certain series has

NULL value and causing the line cannot connect to each other. I also tried

to use the sample from "Passing Data.vbp" but it cannot help me to solve my

problem. In that sample, you used OpenDataEx COD_VALUES Or COD_REMOVE, 2, 10

and OpenDataEx COD_XVALUES, 2, 10 methods and seem likes you need to fix

same data point for both series. In my case, both series can have different

data point. (Please refer to LineChart2.jpg). If I tried to apply

Series=LINES to red color series, it will generate unwanted chart (please

refer to LineChart3.jpg) that connect each data point to zero value. If I

take out the Zero value (please refer to LineChart4.jpg) then it will not

create smooth and connected Line Chart.




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What you need to do is to create an X/Y chart. This type of chart allows you

to assign X AND Y values to each point hence making it possible to have

points that are not equally spaced.

All series will still have the same number of points but you can move the

HIDDEN points to the end of the series so that they don't disrupt the flow.

For example, the following code will create a picture like the one attached:

Dim i As Integer

Dim n As Integer

With ChartFX1

n = 11

.OpenDataEx COD_VALUES, 2, n

For i = 0 To n - 1

.ValueEx(0, i) = 80

Next i

For i = 0 To n - 1

.ValueEx(1, i) = 40

Next i

.OpenDataEx COD_XVALUES, 2, n

For i = 0 To n - 1

.XValueEx(0, i) = i

Next i

For i = 0 To (n - 1) / 2 ' Second series has only half the points

.XValueEx(1, i) = i * 2

Next i

' Hide remaining points

For i = i To n - 1

.ValueEx(1, i) = CHART_HIDDEN

Next i


End With



Software FX, Inc.

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Thanks a lot

"FP" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> What you need to do is to create an X/Y chart. This type of chart allows


> to assign X AND Y values to each point hence making it possible to have

> points that are not equally spaced.


> All series will still have the same number of points but you can move the

> HIDDEN points to the end of the series so that they don't disrupt the



> For example, the following code will create a picture like the one



> Dim i As Integer

> Dim n As Integer


> With ChartFX1

> n = 11


> .OpenDataEx COD_VALUES, 2, n

> For i = 0 To n - 1

> .ValueEx(0, i) = 80

> Next i

> For i = 0 To n - 1

> .ValueEx(1, i) = 40

> Next i


> .OpenDataEx COD_XVALUES, 2, n

> For i = 0 To n - 1

> .XValueEx(0, i) = i

> Next i

> For i = 0 To (n - 1) / 2 ' Second series has only half the points

> .XValueEx(1, i) = i * 2

> Next i


> ' Hide remaining points

> For i = i To n - 1

> .ValueEx(1, i) = CHART_HIDDEN

> Next i

> .CloseData COD_XVALUES

> End With


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.




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