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Re: Displaying dates in X-Axis

Software FX

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The AF_DATETIME format is expects date in "Variant Time" format.  You can 

use Windows API function:


To convert from a System time format (SYSTEMTIME) to a variant time. The

following is Microsoft definition of a Variant Time from MSDN:

" A variant time is stored as an 8-byte real value (double), representing a

date between January 1, 100 and December 31, 9999, inclusive. The value 2.0

represents January 1, 1900; 3.0 represents January 2, 1900, and so on.

Adding 1 to the value increments the date by a day. The fractional part of

the value represents the time of day. Therefore, 2.5 represents noon on

January 1, 1900; 3.25 represents 6:00 A.M. on January 2, 1900, and so on.

Negative numbers represent the dates prior to December 30, 1899."



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