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I saved a chart to disk with export and before I render the same chart

again, I'm checking for it's existence and if it's there I'm attempting to

import it rather than re-render....it's part of a cache routine we are

playing with (as an alternative to PSS). I have tried png as well? Am i

mis-using this feature?

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> You are trying to import the chart from a bitmap ?


> Can you please elaborate.


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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You can not import a chart from an image file. The image file is a regular

image and contains no information about the chart settings that produced it.

You can save a Chart FX binary file if you want to cache your results and

import it later on.

You may also want to check the PSS Extension, it handles caching

automatically for you. It can be downloaded for free from:




Software FX, Inc.

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