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Series Chart problem

User (Legacy)

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I am using the below code to plot a series chart. However, it displays a

blank chart. Can someone tell me what is wrong in the below code. I tried

passing the datavalues in an array and that works fine, but if I do it as

below it doesn't

Please help


- Rich


Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

' The samples look better in white

chart.RgbBk = RGB(255,255,255)

' Let's use a 2D line chart

Chart.ChartType = LINES

Chart.Chart3D = False

' Open Communications channel for two series and 8 points

Chart.OpenDataEx COD_VALUES,2,8

' First data series


Chart.Value(0) = 10

Chart.Value(1) = 14

Chart.Value(2) = 12

Chart.Value(3) = 16

Chart.Value(4) = 8

Chart.Value(5) = 6

Chart.Value(6) = 22

Chart.Value(7) = 24

' Second data series


Chart.Value(0) = 32

Chart.Value(1) = 15

Chart.Value(2) = 8

Chart.Value(3) = 24

Chart.Value(4) = 22

Chart.Value(5) = 16

Chart.Value(6) = 6

Chart.Value(7) = 27

' Close the communications channel

Chart.CloseData COD_VALUES


<%= chart.GetHtmlTag("500","350") %>


I forgot to mention,  I also tried using the below code and this also did

not work


set ChartFX1 = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

ChartFX1.OpenDataEx 1,2,4

ChartFX1.Series(0).YValue(0) = 4

ChartFX1.Series(0).YValue(1) = 6

ChartFX1.Series(0).YValue(2) = 3

ChartFX1.Series(0).YValue(3) = 5

ChartFX1.Series(1).YValue(0) = 3

ChartFX1.Series(1).YValue(1) = 2

ChartFX1.Series(1).YValue(2) = 5

ChartFX1.Series(1).YValue(3) = 4

ChartFX1.CloseData 1


<%= ChartFX1.GetHtmlTag(415,245,"Auto","Chart1") %>

<% Set ChartFX1=nothing %>


- Rich

"Rich" <none@none.com> wrote in message


> Hi,

> I am using the below code to plot a series chart. However, it displays a

> blank chart. Can someone tell me what is wrong in the below code. I


> passing the datavalues in an array and that works fine, but if I do it as

> below it doesn't


> Please help

> Thanks

> - Rich


> <%

> Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")


> ' The samples look better in white

> chart.RgbBk = RGB(255,255,255)

> ' Let's use a 2D line chart

> Chart.ChartType = LINES

> Chart.Chart3D = False


> ' Open Communications channel for two series and 8 points

> Chart.OpenDataEx COD_VALUES,2,8


> ' First data series

> Chart.ThisSerie=0

> Chart.Value(0) = 10

> Chart.Value(1) = 14

> Chart.Value(2) = 12

> Chart.Value(3) = 16

> Chart.Value(4) = 8

> Chart.Value(5) = 6

> Chart.Value(6) = 22

> Chart.Value(7) = 24


> ' Second data series

> Chart.ThisSerie=1

> Chart.Value(0) = 32

> Chart.Value(1) = 15

> Chart.Value(2) = 8

> Chart.Value(3) = 24

> Chart.Value(4) = 22

> Chart.Value(5) = 16

> Chart.Value(6) = 6

> Chart.Value(7) = 27


> ' Close the communications channel

> Chart.CloseData COD_VALUES

> %>

> <%= chart.GetHtmlTag("500","350") %>







Are you including our INC file ?

If not, can you try replacing COD_VALUES with 1

BTW, you can also use the following code (replace COD_VALUES with 1 if not

using INC file)

Chart.OpenDataEx COD_VALUES,2,4

Chart.ValueEx(0,0) = 10

Chart.ValueEx(0,1) = 14

Chart.ValueEx(0,2) = 12


Chart.ValueEx(1,0) = 32

Chart.ValueEx(1,1) = 15

Chart.ValueEx(1,2) = 8

Chart.CloseData COD_VALUES




Software FX Support

"Rich" <none@none.com> wrote in message


> Hi,

> I am using the below code to plot a series chart. However, it displays a

> blank chart. Can someone tell me what is wrong in the below code. I


> passing the datavalues in an array and that works fine, but if I do it as

> below it doesn't


> Please help

> Thanks

> - Rich


> <%

> Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")


> ' The samples look better in white

> chart.RgbBk = RGB(255,255,255)

> ' Let's use a 2D line chart

> Chart.ChartType = LINES

> Chart.Chart3D = False


> ' Open Communications channel for two series and 8 points

> Chart.OpenDataEx COD_VALUES,2,8


> ' First data series

> Chart.ThisSerie=0

> Chart.Value(0) = 10

> Chart.Value(1) = 14

> Chart.Value(2) = 12

> Chart.Value(3) = 16

> Chart.Value(4) = 8

> Chart.Value(5) = 6

> Chart.Value(6) = 22

> Chart.Value(7) = 24


> ' Second data series

> Chart.ThisSerie=1

> Chart.Value(0) = 32

> Chart.Value(1) = 15

> Chart.Value(2) = 8

> Chart.Value(3) = 24

> Chart.Value(4) = 22

> Chart.Value(5) = 16

> Chart.Value(6) = 6

> Chart.Value(7) = 27


> ' Close the communications channel

> Chart.CloseData COD_VALUES

> %>

> <%= chart.GetHtmlTag("500","350") %>







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