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Designer does not load templates

Software FX

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Please double check that the permissions on the template file or the directory where the template file resides are set correctly to allow the file to be read.

Justin Trask

Software FX

-----Original Message-----

From: Marcelo R. Muzzio [mailto:m.muzzio@assistsa.com]

Posted At: Monday, January 15, 2001 1:25 PM

Posted To: Designer

Conversation: Designer does not load templates

Subject: Designer does not load templates

I use the designer component to make a chart, save it to disk, exit the

desginer program. When I start the programm again and try to load the file I

just made, it loads 2 series of data, and looses some other properties.

When I upload it to a server, and try to use in my applicaction the

line: ChartFX1.Import 3,TemplatePath does not seems to work and the

chart uses the default properties.

Is this a bug? Any ideas about this?

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