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Set axis format in VC++ MFC

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Dear Support People,

I want to set the x-axis format to "AF_SCIENTIFIC" in my VC++/MFC project

with #import drective.

The code i wrote is:

m_pChartFX->Axis->Item[AXIS_X]->Format = AF_SCIENTIFIC;

But i got a compile error:

error C2664: 'PutFormat': cannot conver parameter 1 from 'enum CfxFormat' to

'const class _variant_t &'

What should i do? What is correct syntax for setting the format?


Li He

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The Axis.Format property is declared as a variant so that you can pass both 

predefined formats and custom strings. To use AF_SCIENTIFIC (or any of the

prededfined formats) your code should look like


V_VT(&v) = VT_I4;


m_pChartFX->Axis->Item[AXIS_X]->Format = v;

Note that you could also use one of the MFC/ATL wrappers around variant but

in the case of an integer there is nothing to cleanup.




Software FX Support

"Li He" <lhe@ultra-scan.com> wrote in message


> Dear Support People,


> I want to set the x-axis format to "AF_SCIENTIFIC" in my VC++/MFC project

> with #import drective.


> The code i wrote is:


> m_pChartFX->Axis->Item[AXIS_X]->Format = AF_SCIENTIFIC;


> But i got a compile error:

> error C2664: 'PutFormat': cannot conver parameter 1 from 'enum CfxFormat'

> to

> 'const class _variant_t &'


> What should i do? What is correct syntax for setting the format?


> Thanks!

> Li He



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