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Get data after zooming

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I want to get information about the currently displayed data (after zooming

or scrolling)

How can I get this data?

Some background information:

I use the ChartFX Internet 5.5 (Build 14).

I want to show a statistic about the displayed data after zoom. (e.g. "now

you see 125 values")

Since I don't want to go back to server, I work with Javascript.

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" FOR="ChartAnalyse" EVENT="LButtonUp(X , Y ,

nRes ) ">



// ??? how can I get the data

// I can't use PixelToValue() since I have no idea how I should

implement out-Parameters in Javascript



Another question:

Is there an Event for Zooming? As you see I currently use LButtonUp.


This will be not possible in VB Script as VBScript does not allow for By-Ref


The way you could do this in VB (or any other non-script language) is to use

the GetScrollView method to figure out the current view then go through all

your points and determine which are inside of this range.



Software FX


in other word:

there is NO way to get the visible points in the chart (after

scrolling/zooming) by using javascript or vb-script??

it is also NOT possible to get the X or Y value of the mouse after clicking

(not the pixel values but the "chart-X/-Y" values)??

That's horrible

"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> This will be not possible in VB Script as VBScript does not allow for


> parameters.


> The way you could do this in VB (or any other non-script language) is to


> the GetScrollView method to figure out the current view then go through


> your points and determine which are inside of this range.


> --

> FP

> Software FX




It is possible to get the axis position of a mouse coordinate using

PixelToValue as follows:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" FOR="Chart1" EVENT="MouseDown(button, clicks,

hitType, x, y, nSeries, nPoint, object)">


dx = Chart1.AxisX.PixelToValue(x);

dy = Chart1.AxisY.PixelToValue(y);



The lack of support for By-Ref parameters in Java Script is certainly a




Software FX



but sorry - there is neither "MouseDown" (but LButtonDown) nor PixelToValue

(at least not as a Axis-function).

(I use ChartFX Internet 5.5 (Build 14).)

There is PixelToValue() function which can be used directly on the chart,

but it use out-Parameters (impossible in Javascript)

(see below the declaration I found in the Reference API Help)

ChartName.PixelToValue([in] double x, [in] double y, [out] long *xValue,

[out] long *yValue,CfxAxisIndex nYAxis);

What I have:

I have the pixel X and Y position

What I want:

Get the values (especially the x-value) without using a function with


Can you help me?

Thanks a lot


"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> It is possible to get the axis position of a mouse coordinate using

> PixelToValue as follows:


> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" FOR="Chart1" EVENT="MouseDown(button,


> hitType, x, y, nSeries, nPoint, object)">

> <!--

> dx = Chart1.AxisX.PixelToValue(x);

> dy = Chart1.AxisY.PixelToValue(y);

> -->



> The lack of support for By-Ref parameters in Java Script is certainly a

> pain.


> --

> FP

> Software FX





but I don't use Chart .NET

I use ChartFx INTERNET 5.5.

And I don't found a newer version on your website!

Please look at:


We can't use the .NET version, since our clients has .NET not installed.

Again the problem:

I want to get information about the displayed data (after zooming/scrolling)

within JavaScript (there are no OUT-Parameters)

Really I need help. I don't found any hint in the support-page nor in the

knowledge base.



"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> Sorry. I incorrectly assumed you were using 6.x.


> My last post only applies to 6.x.


> The only option I see is to move to the newer version.


> --

> FP

> Software FX




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