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Add values by using javascript

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I get totally strange behaviour when adding data to ChartFx Internet

(Realtime Chart - not the realtime extension) over Javascript.

Initializing data with AdoResultset runs (nearly) fine (x-axis seems to be

to short),

but after I add data (by using Javascript) the previous points jumps to a

new timestamp, and the x-Axis is (sometimes) to short (that depends on the

amount of data I added).

Please look at the attached screenshot

One (serious) question:

Is it a good way adding data by using Javascript.

If not, how can I add data without reload the whole page (including


Please help, I've tried for hours but did not find a proper solution.

Thanks very much


My code:

' ----------------------------- initialize chart with data (see below for

adding data) --------------------------------------

'Preparing the chart to be RealTime

ChartAnalyse.TypeMask = ChartAnalyse.TypeMask Or CT_EVENSPACING

'Setting a buffer size of 50 points

ChartAnalyse.MaxValues = 5000

'Add a Loop marker and hiding the hourglass cursor


' get data from database

Set mConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

mConnection.Open "MyData",mUser,mPwd

Set mRecordSet = mConnection.Execute("SELECT .....")

' Specify how SQL fields are used

ChartAnalyse.DataType(0) = CDT_XVALUE

ChartAnalyse.DataType(1) = CDT_VALUE

ChartAnalyse.DataType(2) = CDT_VALUE

' set data

ChartAnalyse.AdoResultset mRecordSet



' format x-axis as datetime

XAxis = ChartAnalyse.Axis(AXIS_X)

XAxis.Format = AF_DATETIME

--------------------------- adding data (by using

javascript) ---------------------------------------------

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" FOR="ChartAnalyse">

// function is called from somewhere, but the array contained the correct


function AddPoints(valueArray)


len = valueArray.length;

ChartAnalyse.OpenDataEx( 6 + 1024 ,1,len); //

for(i = 0 ; i<len ; i++)


ChartAnalyse.ValueEx(0,i) = 12; // for better controlling

ChartAnalyse.XValueEx(0,i) = valueArray[i][0];

ChartAnalyse.ValueEx(1,i) = 25; // for better controlling

ChartAnalyse.XValueEx(1,i) = valueArray[i][0];


ChartAnalyse.CloseData(6 + 768);




Adding data using JavaScript should not be a problem. What kind of data are

you adding ? Are they dates ?

Can you post a small sample (including JavaScript code) that reproduces this

behavior ?




Software FX Support

"Andris" <andris@b-andris.de> wrote in message


> Hi,


> I get totally strange behaviour when adding data to ChartFx Internet

> (Realtime Chart - not the realtime extension) over Javascript.


> Initializing data with AdoResultset runs (nearly) fine (x-axis seems to be

> to short),

> but after I add data (by using Javascript) the previous points jumps to a

> new timestamp, and the x-Axis is (sometimes) to short (that depends on the

> amount of data I added).


> Please look at the attached screenshot


> One (serious) question:

> Is it a good way adding data by using Javascript.

> If not, how can I add data without reload the whole page (including

> Chart-Control)


> Please help, I've tried for hours but did not find a proper solution.


> Thanks very much

> Berthold



> My code:


> ' ----------------------------- initialize chart with data (see below for

> adding data) --------------------------------------

> 'Preparing the chart to be RealTime

> ChartAnalyse.TypeMask = ChartAnalyse.TypeMask Or CT_EVENSPACING

> 'Setting a buffer size of 50 points

> ChartAnalyse.MaxValues = 5000

> 'Add a Loop marker and hiding the hourglass cursor

> ChartAnalyse.RealTimeStyle = CRT_LOOPPOS Or CRT_NOWAITARROW


> ' get data from database

> Set mConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

> mConnection.Open "MyData",mUser,mPwd

> Set mRecordSet = mConnection.Execute("SELECT .....")


> ' Specify how SQL fields are used

> ChartAnalyse.DataType(0) = CDT_XVALUE

> ChartAnalyse.DataType(1) = CDT_VALUE

> ChartAnalyse.DataType(2) = CDT_VALUE


> ' set data

> ChartAnalyse.AdoResultset mRecordSet

> mRecordSet.Close

> mConnection.Close


> ' format x-axis as datetime

> XAxis = ChartAnalyse.Axis(AXIS_X)

> XAxis.Format = AF_DATETIME



> --------------------------- adding data (by using

> javascript) ---------------------------------------------

> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" FOR="ChartAnalyse">

> // function is called from somewhere, but the array contained the correct

> values

> function AddPoints(valueArray)

> {


> len = valueArray.length;


> ChartAnalyse.OpenDataEx( 6 + 1024 ,1,len); //

> for(i = 0 ; i<len ; i++)

> {

> ChartAnalyse.ValueEx(0,i) = 12; // for better controlling

> ChartAnalyse.XValueEx(0,i) = valueArray[i][0];

> ChartAnalyse.ValueEx(1,i) = 25; // for better controlling

> ChartAnalyse.XValueEx(1,i) = valueArray[i][0];

> }

> ChartAnalyse.CloseData(6 + 768);


> }

> </script>






thanks a lot for trying to help me.

Attached you find the example code you wanted.

Note: the example will not run until you setup your database in the same way

as I did

Table definition:

CREATE TABLE [measurement_values] (

[time_stamp] [datetime] NULL ,

[spo2] [int] NULL ,

[heart_rate] [int] NULL ,

[fk_patient] [int] NOT NULL


Please have also a look at the comments in the code

How it works:

- Start frame.asp

- page (code1.asp) contains ChartFX and two action buttons.

- First it should be initialized (by pressing "Initialize")

> the data were loaded from db,

> the ChartFx-Control were visualized,

> data were assigned to ChartFx by using "ChartAnalyse.AdoResultset"

- After pressing "Add next values"

> fillup parameters in form "newVal" on page "Code2.asp"

> submit "newVal" (on page "Code2.asp")

> data were received from db (time_stamp is converted into a float-value)

> create a javascript-based array containing the received values

> call AddPoints() on page Code1.asp

> AddPoints() adds the x-axis values by using float values. I didn't found

out how to set date-time values directly (whatever I used I got: "wrong



Am I on the right way?

Or is it completely stupid how I try to use a realtime chart?

Hope you can help me


"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


> Adding data using JavaScript should not be a problem. What kind of data


> you adding ? Are they dates ?


> Can you post a small sample (including JavaScript code) that reproduces


> behavior ?


> --

> Regards,


> JC

> Software FX Support

> "Andris" <andris@b-andris.de> wrote in message

> news:sKaVx7BEEHA.4068@webserver3.softwarefx.com...

> > Hi,

> >

> > I get totally strange behaviour when adding data to ChartFx Internet

> > (Realtime Chart - not the realtime extension) over Javascript.

> >

> > Initializing data with AdoResultset runs (nearly) fine (x-axis seems to


> > to short),

> > but after I add data (by using Javascript) the previous points jumps to


> > new timestamp, and the x-Axis is (sometimes) to short (that depends on


> > amount of data I added).

> >

> > Please look at the attached screenshot

> >

> > One (serious) question:

> > Is it a good way adding data by using Javascript.

> > If not, how can I add data without reload the whole page (including

> > Chart-Control)

> >

> > Please help, I've tried for hours but did not find a proper solution.

> >

> > Thanks very much

> > Berthold

> >

> >

> > My code:

> >

> > ' ----------------------------- initialize chart with data (see below


> > adding data) --------------------------------------

> > 'Preparing the chart to be RealTime

> > ChartAnalyse.TypeMask = ChartAnalyse.TypeMask Or CT_EVENSPACING

> > 'Setting a buffer size of 50 points

> > ChartAnalyse.MaxValues = 5000

> > 'Add a Loop marker and hiding the hourglass cursor

> > ChartAnalyse.RealTimeStyle = CRT_LOOPPOS Or CRT_NOWAITARROW

> >

> > ' get data from database

> > Set mConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

> > mConnection.Open "MyData",mUser,mPwd

> > Set mRecordSet = mConnection.Execute("SELECT .....")

> >

> > ' Specify how SQL fields are used

> > ChartAnalyse.DataType(0) = CDT_XVALUE

> > ChartAnalyse.DataType(1) = CDT_VALUE

> > ChartAnalyse.DataType(2) = CDT_VALUE

> >

> > ' set data

> > ChartAnalyse.AdoResultset mRecordSet

> > mRecordSet.Close

> > mConnection.Close

> >

> > ' format x-axis as datetime

> > XAxis = ChartAnalyse.Axis(AXIS_X)

> > XAxis.Format = AF_DATETIME

> >

> >

> > --------------------------- adding data (by using

> > javascript) ---------------------------------------------

> > <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" FOR="ChartAnalyse">

> > // function is called from somewhere, but the array contained the


> > values

> > function AddPoints(valueArray)

> > {

> >

> > len = valueArray.length;

> >

> > ChartAnalyse.OpenDataEx( 6 + 1024 ,1,len); //

> > for(i = 0 ; i<len ; i++)

> > {

> > ChartAnalyse.ValueEx(0,i) = 12; // for better controlling

> > ChartAnalyse.XValueEx(0,i) = valueArray[i][0];

> > ChartAnalyse.ValueEx(1,i) = 25; // for better controlling

> > ChartAnalyse.XValueEx(1,i) = valueArray[i][0];

> > }

> > ChartAnalyse.CloseData(6 + 768);

> >

> > }

> > </script>

> >

> >

> >




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