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All Chart are image file..

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Normal state is Type 2,

But my PC is Type 1.

Image file path is fixed that case.

What's problem? on my pc? or server setting?


See below.. HTML Source.

Type 1.

Irregular ==>>


<img src="/cfxtemp/CFT1204_13120726D.jpg" width="700" height="250"><img

src="/cfxtemp/CFT1204_1312072F9.jpg" width="700" height="250">


Type 2.

Normal ==>>

<OBJECT CLASSID="CLSID:21F49842-BFA9-11d2-A89C-00104B62BDDA"


WIDTH="698" HEIGHT="250" ID="oCh1"



<PARAM NAME="LICENSE" VALUE="/license/CfxIE.lic">

<PARAM NAME="DATAPATH" VALUE="/cfxtemp/CFT1204_13132716F.chw">


<OBJECT CLASSID="CLSID:21F49842-BFA9-11d2-A89C-00104B62BDDA"


WIDTH="698" HEIGHT="250" ID="oCh2"



<PARAM NAME="LICENSE" VALUE="/license/CfxIE.lic">

<PARAM NAME="DATAPATH" VALUE="/cfxtemp/CFT1204_131327170.chw">


----- Original Message -----

From: "SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com>

Newsgroups: chartfx.internet.55.client

Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 12:25 AM

Subject: Re: All Chart are image file..

> How does your GetHtmlTag call looks like ? Please post a sample ASP that

> reproduces the problem (as simple as possible).


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.




From the same server you are getting an image in one client and an ActiveX

in another ? What version of Internet Explorer do you have on each client ?

Your configuration in SfxCgi.ini may have to do with this. Please download

the latest SP from our support site to make sure you have the latest version

of this file.



Software FX, Inc.


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