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Chart no visible

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I've got a problem with charts that are not always visible. Sometimes you

only see the frame, only after clicking on the empty frame does that chart


Any solution to this? I've enclosed a screen shot of the invisible chart.




Here's the code (I've removed those bits that are unrelated to the chart).

The chart i placed in a Layer (DIV-tag with AUTO-attribute):

Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

chart.RgbBk = RGB(255,255,255)

chart.SerLegBox = True

chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).Decimals = 2

chart.Axis(AXIS_X).Font.Name = "Arial"

chart.Axis(AXIS_X).Font.Size = "7"

chart.Printer.ForceColors = TRUE

chart.TopFont.Name = "Arial"

chart.TopFont.Bold = TRUE

chart.TopFont.Size = 8

chart.Axis(AXIS_Y1).Grid = TRUE

chart.PointLabels = TRUE

' Determine number of loops

For num_loop = 1 to num_background

Set chartval = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

chartval.Open "SELECT * FROM val", db

chart.title(2) = chartinfo.Fields.Item("chart_question").Value

Dim chartarray

chartarray = chartval.GetRows

nb = ubound(chartarray, 2) + 1

Redim notused1(nb)

Redim ColumnH(nb)

Redim RowH(nb)

Redim ValueH(nb)

Redim notused2(nb)

for i = 0 to ubound(chartarray, 2)

ColumnH(i) = chartarray(0,i)

RowH(i) = chartarray(1,i)

ValueH(i) = chartarray(2,i)


Set CfxArray = Server.CreateObject("CfxData.Array")

Redim temp1(5)

Redim temp2(5)

Redim temp3(5)

temp1(num_loop) = ColumnH

temp2(num_loop) = RowH

temp3(num_loop) = ValueH

CfxArray.AddArray temp1(num_loop)

CfxArray.AddArray temp2(num_loop)

CfxArray.AddArray temp3(num_loop)

Set CfxCrosstab = Server.CreateObject("SfxCrosstab.DataProvider")

CfxCrosstab.DataSource = CfxArray

CfxCrosstab.DataType(0) = CTDT_COLUMNHEADING

CfxCrosstab.DataType(1) = CTDT_ROWHEADING

CfxCrosstab.DataType(2) = CTDT_VALUE

Chart.GetExternalData CfxCrosstab



<% = chart.GetHtmlTag("100%","100%","ActiveX")%>

"Software FX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> skrev i en meddelelse


> Can you provide some details about your chart ? Can you include the code


> use to customize it ?


> --

> Regards


> JC

> Software FX Support


> "S


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