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Tip Mask

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Hello there,

I have been very grateful to the people on this newsgroup before and was

wondering if you might be able to help me out again.

<cfoutput query="getReport">

<cfset FirstCounter = #getReport.CurrentRow# - 1>

<CFSET Chart.SetArrayProp("SerLeg",#FirstCounter#,"#getReport.Name#")>

<cfset chart.TipMask="#getReport.Name#">


I would like to set the TipMask to be part of the query - ie dynamically

generated for each bar - is this possible. I believe it is but I am getting

the same tip all the way across - I can set the tip but it is then set

globally instead of changing.



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Please note that the TipMask property supports "dynamic" parameters such as

%v that will be replaced with the point's value of %l that will be replaced

with the legend. The ChartFX API Reference documents all the parameters you

can use in this property.




"Simon Whittaker" <simon@swbh.net> wrote in message


> Hello there,


> I have been very grateful to the people on this newsgroup before and was

> wondering if you might be able to help me out again.


> <cfoutput query="getReport">

> <cfset FirstCounter = #getReport.CurrentRow# - 1>



> <cfset chart.TipMask="#getReport.Name#">

> </cfoutput>


> I would like to set the TipMask to be part of the query - ie dynamically

> generated for each bar - is this possible. I believe it is but I am


> the same tip all the way across - I can set the tip but it is then set

> globally instead of changing.


> Cheers


> Simon



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