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RE: fluttering screen

Software FX

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Are you using any other ActiveX control in the same page (even if it is a different frame) ?

If so, you may want to search our KB for article 1463009


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: David Golus [mailto:djgolus@zdnetonebox.com]

Posted At: Thursday, October 05, 2000 9:34 AM

Posted To: Client

Conversation: fluttering screen

Subject: fluttering screen

Server envrionment:

NT 4.0, IIS 4.0, ChartFX IE 2000 (v4)


NT Workstantion 4.0, IE 5.0, ChartFX IE Client Active X control


When the user downloads the control and dispay's the chart (any chart)

The display flutters like the whole page (.jpg's, .gif's, etc...) is

refreshing every millisecond. Even if the user re-loads IE and displays the

page again, it still happens.

I do not have this issue on W2K using IE 5.5.

No frames are used on the web display.

Any reason why this happens?

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