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URL's behind annotations nto working...

User (Legacy)

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While using the ChartFX beta a couple of months back, I encountered a bug

wherein the url behind anotation objects wouldn't work...in fact none of the

url's seem to work(including the main chart url property). This was

confirmed by someone from your support staff, and I was offerred a patch or

was asked to wait for the final release. I decided to wait for the final

release and the problem still seems to exist...not sure if I am doing

anything wrong but this is the code behind my annotation object...the

annotation text object is generated as expected, however the link doesn't

seem to work ---


Dim rect As New AnnotationText()

With rect

.Height = m_RectHeight

.Width = m_RectWidth

.Color = BgColor

.Border.Color = BgColor ' System.Drawing.Color.Black

.Left = Left

.Top = Top

.URL = "http://www.google.com"

.Text = Name

.Align = StringAlignment.Near


End With



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I rechecked our current build (6.0.1074) and this is the status of URL


Image Generation:

Both Chart and Annotation URLs work fine

.NET Client Component:

Chart URLs work fine, note that full trust is needed because as of today

there is no managed API to tell IE to jump to a different page.

Annotation URLs do not work. We will fix this issue in a future service





Software FX Support

"Mustafiz Omran" <momran@earthlink.net> wrote in message


> Hello,


> While using the ChartFX beta a couple of months back, I encountered a bug

> wherein the url behind anotation objects wouldn't work...in fact none of


> url's seem to work(including the main chart url property). This was

> confirmed by someone from your support staff, and I was offerred a patch


> was asked to wait for the final release. I decided to wait for the final

> release and the problem still seems to exist...not sure if I am doing

> anything wrong but this is the code behind my annotation object...the

> annotation text object is generated as expected, however the link doesn't

> seem to work ---

> ===============================================


> Dim rect As New AnnotationText()


> With rect


> .Height = m_RectHeight


> .Width = m_RectWidth


> .Color = BgColor


> .Border.Color = BgColor ' System.Drawing.Color.Black


> .Left = Left


> .Top = Top


> .URL = "http://www.google.com"


> .Text = Name


> .Align = StringAlignment.Near


> .Refresh()


> End With




> annotx.List.Add(rect)


> ===============================================






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