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RE: PARAM License empty

Software FX

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Do you get this behavior after rebooting your web server ? 

Did you check the permissions of the CfxSrv.ini folder to see if the user impersonated by IIS has read access on this file ?


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: Frederic GERDIL [ mailto:f.gerdil@igc.ch]

Posted At: Tuesday, July 04, 2000 12:34 PM

Posted To: Client

Conversation: PARAM License empty

Subject: PARAM License empty

I still have problems with CFIE

In an ASP page, I put basic code like

<% Set Chart1 = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")%>

<%= Chart1.GetHtmlTag(400,200,"ActiveX") %>

With IE 5.0 I got the Failed to download licence message.

I've checked Licence file location and permissions, and my web server has a

virtual directory pointing to the License folder, I also have all virtual

directories up and running.

If I replace ActiveX by Auto, I always get an image.

If I replace Auto by PlugIn, with Netscape 4.7, I get nothing

If I check generated code I can see this

<OBJECT CLASSID="CLSID:21F49842-BFA9-11d2-A89C-00104B62BDDA"


WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="200" ID="Chart1"



<PARAM NAME="DATAPATH" VALUE="/cfxtemp/CFT0704_17360156.chw">


Yes, there is no information for License, but I check Cfxsrv.ini and the

file says


Where is the problem ?

Thanks for your help



> Frederic GERDIL (f.gerdil@igc.ch)

> ICQ#51548199

> Network Administrator

> IGC Secretariat


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