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RE: CfxIE4 Toolbar does not always display icons

Software FX

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How did you create the CHF file ? Is this toolbar a new toolbar you created ? 

Another customer was experiencing a similar problem in ChartFX 98 but there was also a problem in the way they created the new toolbar.


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: CfxIE4B On Behalf Of Stale Andersen

Posted At: Wednesday, October 06, 1999 5:21 AM

Posted To: Client

Conversation: CfxIE4 Toolbar does not always display icons

Subject: CfxIE4 Toolbar does not always display icons

In the enclosed simple HTML-example, the toolbar displays fine to start


but after setting the charts datapath to a specific CHF-file made using

Chart FX 98,

the toolbar is displayed without any Icons. Why is this happening?


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