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RE: Drag Lines to edit/update data

Software FX

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1. You can generate the chart using the step gallery type (obviously you already did) 

2. ChartFX IE 2000 will detect the double click on the line as well as the points

3. In order to modify the X position of a point you will need pass the X values for all the points so that ChartFX knows that this is an XY chart. When you don't pass X values ChartFX assumes that X is not a variable so it assumes that all points are supposed to be drawn equally spaced in the X axis.


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: CfxIE4B On Behalf Of Tung Lam

Posted At: Monday, October 11, 1999 11:18 AM

Posted To: Client

Conversation: Drag Lines to edit/update data

Subject: Drag Lines to edit/update data


I'm trying to use ChartFX Internet to do the following:

1. Generate and show line graph similar to the enclosed bitmap

2. Be able to double-click on the line to show additional info (i.e as when

you double-click on a point)

3. Drag and Move LINES up-down, and left-right. This would change the

underlining data and hence act as a data editor.

- I know you can drag a point up-down, but not left-to right (in the beta4


As far as I can tell, I cannot find any feature in the documenation or on

the online web-site be able to do this.

Is it possible to trap mouse events or some other feature to do this?


Tung Lam.

Enron Europe

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