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passing values for pie chart

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I am using chartfx interner 5.5 and using C# .net by using a wrapper class

for the com object.

I am having problems with the pie charts.

With the same dataset i am getting different behaviour for pie and bar.

Bar looks correct but pie is reduced in size as it expects one more pie

which is not visible because there is no data for that pie. So we see an

empty space to the right of the pie.

I am also sending a code snippet used to output this.

public void setSeries(ChartFXClass chart, DataTable table)


string chtType=ChartType.ToString();

DataRowCollection rows = table.Rows;

for(int i=0; i<table.Rows.Count; i++)


for(int j=0; j<table.Columns.Count; j++)


DataRow r = rows[i];

if (chtType.Equals("bar"))











Please help.


Kunal Agrawal

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