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PointLabels value display

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I am using PointLabels to display values on a bar chart using:

Chartfx.Series(0).PointLabelAlign = LA_RIGHT Or LA_BASELINE

But the value being displayed is incorrect though the bar display is coming

up to the right value. And this doesnt happen on all data. As far as I have

noticed, only 69.2 comes up as 39.2.

I tried using:

Chartfx.Series(0).PointLabelAlign= LA_LEFT or LA_TOP

And 69.2 comes up fine!

I am confused and am not sure where to debug since it is not consistent. All

other values where I am using LA_RIGHT Or LA_BASELINE come up just fine.

Please help!

Thanks a lot.


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Thanks for your reply.

The version of ChartFX I am using is 5.5.

I tried to use BitMap parameter in the export method but I guess I am using

it incorrectly. Is BitMap the right one to use? Do I have to use any other

parameters as well since I am unable to see the resultant file.

Thanks a lot.


"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Please attach a binary file of this chart. You can use the Export method


> generate this file.


> Please indicate what version of Chart FX are you using.


> --

> FP

> Software FX



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