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Pie manual color

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I have table with 3 fields:

field1 = numeric value

field2 = description

field3 = hex color -- example (#000000)

Chart1.DataType(0) = CDT_VALUE

Chart1.DataType(1) = CDT_LABEL

Chart1.DataType(2) = CDT_NOTUSED

What do I set to have manual colors for each pie slice based on my hex color

field in the table.

I am not using array. Do I have to. The pie chart works now, but I am

using Chart1.Palette = "Light Pastels".

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I tried this:  First I tried my manually inputting rgb and it worked.  Then

I tried using data field from db... FromHexColor function converts hex to

rgb and outputs it ... but that didn't work. So, your saying the only way

to do this is manually? I can't use what's in the database -- even if I

store rgb as a field in the db & read that?

' Color Settings

Chart1.OpenDataEx 3,16,0

for i = 0 to 3

Chart1.Color(i) = FromHexColor(rsChart(3))

'Chart1.Color(0) = RGB(255,255,255)

'Chart1.Color(1) = RGB(255,0,255)

'Chart1.Color(2) = RGB(255,255,0)

'Chart1.Color(3) = RGB(0,255,255)


Chart1.CloseData 3

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Colors and other visual attributes can not be automatically read from the

> data source. Only data and labels are.


> You need to set the colors using the API.


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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There is no difference for Chart FX where do you get the color from, as long

as it is a color.

There should be no difference between RGB(255,255,255) and

FromHexColor(rsChart(3)). If this function in fact returns a valid RGB

Color, it will work the same way.

My guess is that the color you are passing is not a valid color. Check the

value returned and compare it against the value return by RGB.



Software FX, Inc.

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Yes I finally got it.  Once I seperated r, g, b in 3 different db fields --

then manually wrote rgb(rs(0),rs(1),rs(2))... it worked.


"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> There is no difference for Chart FX where do you get the color from, as


> as it is a color.


> There should be no difference between RGB(255,255,255) and

> FromHexColor(rsChart(3)). If this function in fact returns a valid RGB

> Color, it will work the same way.


> My guess is that the color you are passing is not a valid color. Check the

> value returned and compare it against the value return by RGB.


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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