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XY data on bar / histogram plots

User (Legacy)

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I'm afraid this is not supported. You could "simulate" this chart using an

AREA chart.

Area charts do Support X/Y values but you will have to add additional points

to achieve the right angles. For example:

For a chart, that logically has:

X = 10 to 20, Y = 100

X = 20 to 40, Y = 30

X = 40 to 80, Y = 55

X = 10, Y = 100

X = 20, Y = 100

X = 20, Y = 30

X = 40, Y = 30

X = 40, Y = 55

X = 80, Y = 55

Tricky but it is the only way you can achieve this.



Software FX, Inc.

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