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Problem with X Axis Labels

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I'm using an XY Plot chart, and my X-Axis is using min and max values that are times (COleDateTime since I'm programming in Visual C++). I have an interval between Min and Max values that is 24 hours, and set my step to 1/24 which should create steps of 1 hour. Unfortunately this doesn't happen, and I get the following :

Am I doing something wrong or is this a limitation to the control ?


Paulo Sebasti


Check the actual values of your Min and Max maybe they are not rounded to the hour.

The following code works perfectly when added to a default X/Y chart:

ChartFX1.Axis(AXIS_X).Min = CDate("1/1/2001")

ChartFX1.Axis(AXIS_X).Max = CDate("1/2/2001")

ChartFX1.Axis(AXIS_X).Step = 1# / 24#

ChartFX1.Axis(AXIS_X).Format = AF_DATETIME



Software FX, Inc.


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