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Re: Help with Gantt chart

User (Legacy)

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I'm sorry, by builder I meant, the ChartFX Designer. I wanted to design a

Gantt chart using the Designer but could not find this type of chart in the

Chart Type list box of the designer. If it's not available in the designer

could you suggest a help page to build Gantt chart when data's is from a

database ?



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The using DataType sample can be easily modified for Gantt chats as follows:

<!-- Include this file so we can use all the ChartFX constants -->

<!-- #include virtual="/Include/CfxIE.inc" -->


Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

chart.Gallery = Gantt

' Create the database connection object

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

' Open the ODBC data source

Conn.Open Application("CfxIEConn")

' Execute the SQL statement that will return the data

Set RS = Conn.Execute("SELECT Month,Sales,Projected From


'I can now ignore the second set of values (projected) from the


chart.datatype(0) = cdt_legend

chart.datatype(1) = cdt_value

chart.datatype(2) = cdt_inivalue ' Projected will be the Initial value

for the bar. The bar will go from Projected to Sales

' Assign the contents of the ResultSet to the Chart

chart.AdoResultset RS

' Close the connection



<%= chart.GetHtmlTag("500","350") %>



Software FX, Inc.

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