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ChartFX IE: Graph axis lines disappear after upgrade

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After upgrading from ChartFX IE to the axis lines (3D) no

longer appear. Running the same code on the older version, the lines are

still there.

What's changed and what should I do change?

Source code is below,


Tim H

Set o_chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

o_chart.OpenDataEx 1, 1, ubound(varData,2) + 1

' General Settings

o_chart.Style = &HFF6FFBFB&

o_chart.LeftGap = 0

o_chart.RightGap = 0

o_chart.BottomGap = 0

o_chart.TopGap = 0

o_chart.URLTarget = "main"

o_chart.Axis(2).LabelAngle = 90

' Title Settings

o_chart.Title(2) = strTitle

' Axis Settings

o_chart.View3DDepth = 10

o_chart.Perspective = 20

o_chart.AngleX = 10

o_chart.Axis(0).Decimals = intValuedecimals

' appearance

o_chart.Axis(2).Step = 1

o_chart.Axis(2).MinorStep = 1

o_chart.RGB3DBk = CHART_TRANSPARENT Or RGB(255,255,255)

o_chart.RGBBk = CHART_TRANSPARENT Or RGB(255,255,255)

o_chart.RGB2DBk = CHART_TRANSPARENT Or RGB(255,255,255)

o_chart.BorderStyle = 0

o_chart.RigClk 0,0

o_chart.ImgTags = "BORDER=""0"""


Sorry, forgot to mention, we're rendering Bitmaps.

"Tim Hastings" <sorry@nospam.com> wrote in message


> Hello,


> After upgrading from ChartFX IE to the axis lines (3D)


> longer appear. Running the same code on the older version, the lines are

> still there.


> What's changed and what should I do change?


> Source code is below,


> Cheers,


> Tim H


> Set o_chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")


> o_chart.OpenDataEx 1, 1, ubound(varData,2) + 1


> ' General Settings

> o_chart.Style = &HFF6FFBFB&

> o_chart.LeftGap = 0

> o_chart.RightGap = 0

> o_chart.BottomGap = 0

> o_chart.TopGap = 0

> o_chart.URLTarget = "main"


> o_chart.Axis(2).LabelAngle = 90


> ' Title Settings

> o_chart.Title(2) = strTitle


> ' Axis Settings

> o_chart.View3DDepth = 10

> o_chart.Perspective = 20

> o_chart.AngleX = 10

> o_chart.Axis(0).Decimals = intValuedecimals


> ' appearance

> o_chart.Axis(2).Step = 1

> o_chart.Axis(2).MinorStep = 1

> o_chart.RGB3DBk = CHART_TRANSPARENT Or RGB(255,255,255)

> o_chart.RGBBk = CHART_TRANSPARENT Or RGB(255,255,255)

> o_chart.RGB2DBk = CHART_TRANSPARENT Or RGB(255,255,255)

> o_chart.BorderStyle = 0

> o_chart.RigClk 0,0

> o_chart.ImgTags = "BORDER=""0"""





The code:

o_chart.RGB3DBk = CHART_TRANSPARENT Or RGB(255,255,255)

o_chart.RGBBk = CHART_TRANSPARENT Or RGB(255,255,255)

o_chart.RGB2DBk = CHART_TRANSPARENT Or RGB(255,255,255)

Is incorrect. CHART_TRANPARENT can not be combined with a color, a color is

either Transparent or a color it can not be both. Alpha blending is not

supported in Chart FX 5.x.

To achieve a transparent background simply set these to CHART_TRANSPARENT,

to have a white background set them to RGB(255,255,255).

If you chose to have a Transparent background, the 3D Box (axes) will

disappear (it's transparent). You can turn the Border on to show the

wire-frame of it. To turn borders on you can do:

o_chart.Border = true



Software FX, Inc.


Many thanks!

This code gave us results on the previous version, but I guess we must have

been 'getting away with it'.

Thanks very much for your help,

Tim H

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> The code:


> o_chart.RGB3DBk = CHART_TRANSPARENT Or RGB(255,255,255)

> o_chart.RGBBk = CHART_TRANSPARENT Or RGB(255,255,255)

> o_chart.RGB2DBk = CHART_TRANSPARENT Or RGB(255,255,255)


> Is incorrect. CHART_TRANPARENT can not be combined with a color, a color


> either Transparent or a color it can not be both. Alpha blending is not

> supported in Chart FX 5.x.


> To achieve a transparent background simply set these to CHART_TRANSPARENT,

> to have a white background set them to RGB(255,255,255).


> If you chose to have a Transparent background, the 3D Box (axes) will

> disappear (it's transparent). You can turn the Border on to show the

> wire-frame of it. To turn borders on you can do:


> o_chart.Border = true



> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.





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