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X Axis Label question

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I am passing in a recordset in ASP to ChartFX 5.5. The chart shows the

number of connections by OS.

My Y axis is the number of connections and my X Axis is the OS.

My chart draws fine but for my X Axis it just shows numbers 1,2,3,4,5,etc.

I want it to pull the values from the database so that the X Axis shows

Win95, Win98, OS9, Win2K, etc.

Can anyone help?

The code I am using is below

oChart.ToolBar = true

oChart.Chart3D = false

oChart.Gallery = LINES

'oChart.datatype(0) = CDT_KEYLEGEND 'Show values instead of incrimenting



oChart.Axis(0).Decimals = 0

oChart.Axis(1).Decimals = 0

oChart.Axis(AXIS_Y).Title = pYLabel

oChart.Axis(AXIS_X).Title = pXLabel

oChart.Style = oChart.Style AND NOT CS_EDITABLE

oChart.DblClk CHART_NONECLK, 0

oChart.Title(CHART_TOPTIT) = pstrTitle

oChart.Axis(AXIS_X).Style = oChart.Axis(AXIS_X).Style Or 65536

oChart.AdoResultSet pRS

ExecuteChart = oChart.GetHtmlTag(300, 300)

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Are you selecting the OS field from your database ? Is it a text field ?

Have you tried to turn on the values legend ? We could be reading the

strings from your ADO resultset but not painting them because of lack of





Software FX Support

"Shawn Ramirez" <sramirez@sauder.com> wrote in message


> I am passing in a recordset in ASP to ChartFX 5.5. The chart shows the

> number of connections by OS.


> My Y axis is the number of connections and my X Axis is the OS.


> My chart draws fine but for my X Axis it just shows numbers 1,2,3,4,5,etc.

> I want it to pull the values from the database so that the X Axis shows

> Win95, Win98, OS9, Win2K, etc.


> Can anyone help?


> The code I am using is below


> oChart.ToolBar = true

> oChart.Chart3D = false

> oChart.Gallery = LINES


> 'oChart.datatype(0) = CDT_KEYLEGEND 'Show values instead of incrimenting

> number

> oChart.


> oChart.Axis(0).Decimals = 0

> oChart.Axis(1).Decimals = 0

> oChart.Axis(AXIS_Y).Title = pYLabel

> oChart.Axis(AXIS_X).Title = pXLabel


> oChart.Style = oChart.Style AND NOT CS_EDITABLE

> oChart.DblClk CHART_NONECLK, 0


> oChart.Title(CHART_TOPTIT) = pstrTitle


> oChart.Axis(AXIS_X).Style = oChart.Axis(AXIS_X).Style Or 65536


> oChart.AdoResultSet pRS

> ExecuteChart = oChart.GetHtmlTag(300, 300)



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