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Install Abort WinXP

User (Legacy)

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CfxIESrv.exe is aborting during install on WinXP. After registering

components it begins the Updating Registry phase and aborts. Event log


"Faulting application cfxiesrv.exe, version, faulting module

unknown, version, fault address 0x3fee56bf."

Installation does not complete and the uninstaller fails. CfxIETRIAL.exe

installs okay.

I noted a message here with what appears to be a similar problem (but with

NT) dated 12/10/01 "TroubleShooting during installation".

HELP! Client demo coming up.



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We have not experienced any problems installing CfxIESrv on WinXP. Have you

checked if a small page that creates a chart can be run after the aborted

installation ?

You may also want to try removing all files from "\Program Files\Common

Files\Install FX" and then run the setup again.




Software FX Support

"Larry Kraus" <krausl@mindspring.com> wrote in message


> CfxIESrv.exe is aborting during install on WinXP. After registering

> components it begins the Updating Registry phase and aborts. Event log

> contains...


> "Faulting application cfxiesrv.exe, version, faulting module

> unknown, version, fault address 0x3fee56bf."


> Installation does not complete and the uninstaller fails. CfxIETRIAL.exe

> installs okay.


> I noted a message here with what appears to be a similar problem (but with

> NT) dated 12/10/01 "TroubleShooting during installation".


> HELP! Client demo coming up.


> Thanks,

> Larry



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