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activex displaying default graph

User (Legacy)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is typically the result  of

a) Your client components in the download folder where not updated. Check if

the files at \Program Files\CfxIE4\Download are newer than the ones in the

physical directory pointed to by the Download virtual folder

B) The CfxSrv.ini (\Program Files\CfxIE4\Config) was not updated to reflect

the new version of the client components. This is what force browsers to

download new components if needed. After modifying this file you may need to

execute a page with the following code

Chart.LoadDefault 1

Or you can stop and restart the IIS Admin Service and its dependent





"S" <d> wrote in message news:EJEf#FQRBHA.1788@webserver1.softwarefx.com...

> The activeX control keeps displaying the default graph as if no data was

> entered, while if I output JPEGS it displays the proper line graph.


> happening after I installed the service pack. Any ideas?


> -John



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