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HighlightItem method

User (Legacy)

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Maybe I am missing something here

but in ChartFX.WinForms.dll

I see this

chart1.Highlight.HighlightItem(new HighlightingEventArgs());

the Highlight property now returns a HighlightAttributes class and not a

HighlightSettings class.


"Raymond Dazo" <raymond.d@interprisesolutions.com> wrote in message


> Hi,


> Where can I find the chart1.Highlight.HiglightItem Method? It´s not

> included in v2.0.50727 DLL´s


> Thank you,


> Raymond Dazo

> Interprise Solutions Team


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Hi Francisco,

I'm sorry but I really can't find the Chart.Highlight.HighlightItem method.

I've asked this before to your support.

Please refer to this site:


My incident ID is 29575

Thank you,

Raymond Dazo

Interprise Solutions Team

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Ok you´re right.

It was checked into sourcesafe on 12/14/2005

We will have to provide you a hotfix if you want it.

I will have support contact you shortly.


"Raymond Dazo" <raymond.d@interprisesolutions.com> wrote in message


> Hi Francisco,


> Just look at the last 2 replies and see the NoHiglightItemMethod.zip

> attachment.


> Thank you,


> Raymond Dazo

> Interprise Solutions Team


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