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Saving ActiveX/Plug-In Configuration Back to Server

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I have ChartFX IE 2000 and am happily generating charts for users. What I'd

like to be able to do is offer the user a default chart via the ActiveX

control or the Plug-In, let them modify it to their heart's content, and

then have them be able to "save" the configuration back to the server, so

the next time they ask for the same chart, I know what customizations they


For instance, if I give them the default chart and they change the colors or

labels, how do I gather that information back from them so that next time, I

can give them the same chart in which they already modified?

Thanks in advance,

Monte Kalisch, Director of Site Engineering

Ntercept Communciations Inc.


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ChartFX Internet supports saving chart customizations but on the client side

(similar to cookies). This should be enough if your users typically log on

from the same box.

We are currently evaluating adding support for "server-side-customizations"

for the next version of ChartFX Internet, any feedback will be greatly

appreciated (e.g. will you save the customizations in files or a database ?

would you prefer HTTP post or put ? )





"Monte" <montek@ntercept.com> wrote in message


> I have ChartFX IE 2000 and am happily generating charts for users. What


> like to be able to do is offer the user a default chart via the ActiveX

> control or the Plug-In, let them modify it to their heart's content, and

> then have them be able to "save" the configuration back to the server, so

> the next time they ask for the same chart, I know what customizations they

> made.


> For instance, if I give them the default chart and they change the colors


> labels, how do I gather that information back from them so that next time,


> can give them the same chart in which they already modified?


> Thanks in advance,


> Monte Kalisch, Director of Site Engineering

> Ntercept Communciations Inc.

> montek@ntercept.com






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  • 1 month later...

That is great news that you are incorporating server-side-customizations..

Here is some feedback:

1. Allow the Admin to be able to save these settings in some file.

2. Allow these settings to be able to be saved for each chart/at company

level etc. (I think you have these for the client side save.. which is


3. I am OK with saving it either in files or a database.. though I would

prefer the database. I suppose once you say database, you guys will have a

more difficult time trying to build in support for oracle, sql etc.

4. Not sure what you mean by HTTP Post or Put??

5. I think it would be cool if a file similar to the .cht files could be

setup by admin, and can be forced to be downloaded to the client side.

Will keep the feedback coming.

You have an awesome product! We have found a lot of ways to use it on our

website.. and are constantly relieved and excited when we find something in

chart fx that we did not know of before!!

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> ChartFX Internet supports saving chart customizations but on the client


> (similar to cookies). This should be enough if your users typically log on

> from the same box.


> We are currently evaluating adding support for


> for the next version of ChartFX Internet, any feedback will be greatly

> appreciated (e.g. will you save the customizations in files or a database


> would you prefer HTTP post or put ? )


> --

> Regards,


> JC

> SoftwareFX


> "Monte" <montek@ntercept.com> wrote in message

> news:j1kxO2yr8GA.1696@webserver1.softwarefx.com...

> > I have ChartFX IE 2000 and am happily generating charts for users. What

> I'd

> > like to be able to do is offer the user a default chart via the ActiveX

> > control or the Plug-In, let them modify it to their heart's content, and

> > then have them be able to "save" the configuration back to the server,


> > the next time they ask for the same chart, I know what customizations


> > made.

> >

> > For instance, if I give them the default chart and they change the


> or

> > labels, how do I gather that information back from them so that next


> I

> > can give them the same chart in which they already modified?

> >

> > Thanks in advance,

> >

> > Monte Kalisch, Director of Site Engineering

> > Ntercept Communciations Inc.

> > montek@ntercept.com

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



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