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Re: Enumerated Types defined in the Type Library

Software FX

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Software FX is aware of the problem you mention, however, since delph 5 and

Powerbuilder uses enumerated types as well we desided to use our enumerated

type library to ensure the compatibility with most of the plataforms in the

market. We recommend for you to please change the way you use your

enumerated types.



Percy Dyer

Software FX, Inc. Tech Support

Please reply to: Cfxie@softwarefx.com


"Stephan Klaffer" <stephan.klaffer@decisionworks.co.uk> wrote in message


> Hello,


> I have a problem with the actual way the type library is written. In VB an

> enumerated type is basically treated as a number of constants, and hence

> those can be used as bit fields. But a proper enumerated type can't do

> this - it can only take on one of the specified values. Now, since our

> application uses "real" enumerated types, we have a severe problem with


> type library. It specifies all the enumerated types nicely, and in some

> cases (like the gallery) it works as I expect it. But other enumerated


> are purely used as bit fields, making it hard to use them with our

> enumerated type implementation. This is because the API returns values for

> enumerated types that are not specified in the type itself. Since COM is

> treating is as integeres, COM does not have a problem. Since VB treates


> those as global constants, VB does not have a problem. VC++ even does not

> bother to generate enumerated types - it simply uses integers (even worse,

> if you ask me...).


> What I am really asking for is a proper defined type library, that has

> enumerated types defined that contain all possible values for this type


> in case of bit fields ALL possible combinations that can be returned by


> API). I could start and do this by hand, but I fear this could take rather

> long. Is there any possibility that you can change that or somehow make


> that the API only returns values that are defined in the enumeated types??


> Thanks a lot in advance


> Stephan Klaffer

> DecisionWorks London



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