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Re: Setting gallery types

Software FX

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Yes we are aware of this problem and it will be fixed in the next service pack for ChartFX IE 2000. This fix has already been implemented in the latest ChartFX Client/Server service pack.

Justin Trask

Software FX

-----Original Message-----

From: Stephan Klaffer [mailto:stephan.klaffer@decisionworks.co.uk]

Posted At: Thursday, November 02, 2000 8:17 AM

Posted To: Server

Conversation: Setting gallery types

Subject: Re: Setting gallery types


I just noticed that this only happens if I use the option dialog. Using the

API only it does behave like expected.

Stephan Klaffer

DecisionWorks London

"Stephan Klaffer" <stephan.klaffer@decisionworks.co.uk> wrote in message


> Hello,


> I noticed a behaviour of the chart which I don't understand. If I set the

> chart gallery for all series to CURVE, it applies the type to all series -

> like I would expect it. If I now set the gallery for one of the series to

> BAR, the following happens. Instead of setting the one series to bar, it

> sets the ?default? gallery to bar and sets all other series manually to

> CURVE. So instead of having a chart that is a curve chart with one series

> set to bar I end up with a bar chart with all except one series set to

> curve.


> This does not matter for the visualisation of the chart, but I would have


> manage the default type by hand if I afterwards go to change the data, but

> want to keep the default gallery, if you know what I mean. Why is the


> behaving like this???


> Thanks,


> Stephan Klaffer

> DecisionWorks London


> PS: Pseudo code to demonstrate this. It assumes sufficient data set in the

> chart.


> ChartFX1.Gallery = CURVE

> ChartFX1.Series(2).Gallery = BAR


> ' I now expect the ChartFX1.Gallery property to return CURVE, but it does

> return BAR. Asking all other series for their galleries give

> ' back CURVE. If I do this other way around the chart behaves like I


> it.







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