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Image instead of ActiveX

Software FX

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This problem is caused when the permissions on the directory called "Config" are set to read only for IUser_MachineName. The files within this directory control browser detection. These files need to be set to both read and write otherwise browser detection will fail. The result is that ChartFX does not know what the client's browser supports so it will display a jpeg image because it will fit any web browser. There is an article on our support site that covers this very topic http://support.softwarefx.com/kb/141/1/009.htm.

Justin Trask

Software FX

-----Original Message-----

From: andy sullivan [mailto:sullivanag@home.com]

Posted At: Monday, October 23, 2000 2:14 PM

Posted To: Server

Conversation: Active-X not displaying, getting JPG instead

Subject: Active-X not displaying, getting JPG instead

Hello group

I recently upgraded one of our web servers from NT 4 and IIS 4 to Windows

2000 running IIS 5. The problem I am now experiencing is that a small JPG

image is being displayed where the Active-X viewer used to be. The HTML

source sent back to the client is nothing like it should be. I installed

ChartFX IE 2000 from the same install file as before and verified I entered

the license key correctly. I have even tried to reinstall. It also appears

that all of the virtual directories on the web server exist and the proper

file system security is set. I even set file permissions so that everyone

has FULL access to the files. Can someone point me in the right direction

to solve this problem?


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