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RE: Forcing the Netscape Plugin

Software FX

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If you are using automatic detection of the browser, such as ... 




It is very likely the error is due to lack of permissions on the "\Program Files\CfxIE4\Config" folder. Please make sure the user impersonated by IIS (or everyone if users log-on using a non-anonymous authentication method) has "Change" (called Read/Write in Win2K) permissions on the Config folder.


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: Dan Traylor [ mailto:dan_traylor@hotmail.com]

Posted At: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 3:22 PM

Posted To: Server

Conversation: Forcing the Netscape Plugin

Subject: Forcing the Netscape Plugin

When a user comes to my site for the first time, I want to have them

prompted to get the Plug In when viewing with Netscape 4.08 or higher. I've

looked through the SfxCgi.ini and SfxCgiWC.ini files to see how to do this,

but my changes aren't making a difference on my server. Am I looking at the

right files?

In Netscape, when I view the http://support.softwarefx.com/cfxie/ site, it

prompts me for the plugin. When I view my localhost, it generates an image.

Can anyone direct me on how to set up my server to prompt a user for the

plugin when coming from a Netscape 4.08 or higher browser? Thanks.

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