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when we render  chart in .net format we get BOEP in Proventia Desktop. I

have asked to put my computer name as an exception and it works fine on my

desktop however other users do not see any chart and error they get is

"protocol error - Not Found (404) " and proventia desktop says

"BOEP~ChartFX.ResourceCenter" (Buffer Overflow). Is there a workaround for

this problem.

Any help is appreciated.

Best Regards,

Dharmesh Trivedi

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this will only happen if you have proventia desktop


"Software FX" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Can you be more specific. Does this happen as you launch the Resource


> ? What are the steps to reproduce the problem.


> We have been unable to reproduce this problem.


> --

> Francisco Padron

> www.chartfx.com



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