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RE: Color and Y-axis label

Software FX

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>> The chart is a bar graph and the last one in the chart should have a different color 

There is a sample in our support site http://support.softwarefx.com/cfxie'>http://support.softwarefx.com/cfxie that shows how to color markers independently.

>> further on the Y-axis I should be able to put '%' along the value.

To create a chart showing percentage in the Y axis you will need to use the Axis.Format property, please note that using the percentage value means that your data should be provided between 0 and 1 (we will multiply it by 100)

Also note that we just discovered a bug that could affect you when using the PointLabelAlign to generate active charts (this setting may be ignored when generating active charts). This will be fixed in the next service pack. In the meantime you can set the GetHtmlTag to "Image" if you need the values for each bar to be completely inside the bar


chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).Format = AF_PERCENTAGE

chart.OpenDataEx COD_VALUES,1,2

Chart.Value(0) = 0.5

Chart.Value(1) = 0.74

Chart.CloseData COD_VALUES

chart.PointLabels = True

chart.PointLabelAlign = LA_TOP Or LA_CENTER


<%= chart.GetHtmlTag(500,350,"Image") %>


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: Prasanna Pattam [ mailto:prasanna.pattam@qwest.com]

Posted At: Monday, February 14, 2000 1:30 PM

Posted To: Server

Conversation: Color and Y-axis label

Subject: Color and Y-axis label


I want to generate a chart similar to the attached image. The chart is a bar

graph and the last one in the chart should have a different color, further

on the Y-axis I should be able to put '%' along the value.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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