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LineStyles / Legend

Software FX

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The line styles are always shown in the legend box. 

If the markers are shown in the chart we draw a small line segment (using the width and style) and a marker on top of it.

If markers are not shown we draw a small line segment.

We have received feedback asking to increase the size of the line segment since it may not be possible to differentiate between a solid and a dash line. We will probably fix this on a future service pack.


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: Lost Sailor [ mailto:sharasin@mbakercorp.com]

Posted At: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 2:20 PM

Posted To: Server

Conversation: LineStyles / Legend

Subject: LineStyles / Legend

I am trying to display the LineStyles in the Legend as opposed to the

default colored boxes.

I was originally trying to do this with CFXIE 3.5, and I was told by tech

support that 3.5 did not support this, but CFXIE2000 would.

I have the trial copy of CFXIE2000, but I cannot figure out how to display

the linestyles in the Legend. Can anybody show me an example of this?

Thank you


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