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RE: Controlling scroll bar.

Software FX

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To control the scrollbar you will need to use the SetScrollView as follows 


Please note that SetScrollView is not currently supported on the server side so you will have to write client side code (typically handling the window_onLoad event) to invoke this method.

We are working on a fix to support SetScrollView on the server.


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: CfxIE4B On Behalf Of Margaret Barrett

Posted At: Friday, January 14, 2000 2:55 PM

Posted To: Server

Conversation: Controlling scroll bar.

Subject: Controlling scroll bar.

Can you force it to display x number of points when scroll bar is active?

For example, when scroll bar is not active I display 16 data points. When

there are more than 16 the scroll bar is activated and it only displays 15.

I would like it to still display 16 data points?????


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