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RE: Is Response.BinaryWrite supported?

Software FX

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Yes, this is supported in Beta3. 

In the page that contains the chart

<IMG SRC="ChartImage.asp" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=350>


<!-- #include virtual="/Include/CfxIE4B.inc" --><%

' Please note the way this ASP is coded to avoid any newline or other characters

' to be sent to the client (all the code is SERVER side code)

Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer4B")

' Note the use of GetHtmlData instead of GetHtmlTag

chart.GetHtmlData 500,350,"Image"


You can see more samples at http://support.softwarefx.com/cfxie4b select Samples - NEW Internet Features - Avoiding Temporary Files.


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: CfxIE4B On Behalf Of Todd Mancini

Posted At: Thursday, July 15, 1999 2:15 PM

Posted To: Server

Conversation: Is Response.BinaryWrite supported?

Subject: Is Response.BinaryWrite supported?

I had heard that the new version of CfxIE will support the use of

Response.BinaryWrite to return a chart directly from an ASP. Is this true?

If so, which method call returns the necessary byte array for BinaryWrite?



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Yes, this is supported in Beta3. 

In the page that contains the chart

<IMG SRC="ChartImage.asp" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=350>


<!-- #include virtual="/Include/CfxIE4B.inc" --><%

' Please note the way this ASP is coded to avoid any newline or other characters

' to be sent to the client (all the code is SERVER side code)

Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer4B")

' Note the use of GetHtmlData instead of GetHtmlTag

chart.GetHtmlData 500,350,"Image"


You can see more samples at http://support.softwarefx.com/cfxie4b select Samples - NEW Internet Features - Avoiding Temporary Files.


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: CfxIE4B On Behalf Of Todd Mancini

Posted At: Thursday, July 15, 1999 2:15 PM

Posted To: Server

Conversation: Is Response.BinaryWrite supported?

Subject: Is Response.BinaryWrite supported?

I had heard that the new version of CfxIE will support the use of

Response.BinaryWrite to return a chart directly from an ASP. Is this true?

If so, which method call returns the necessary byte array for BinaryWrite?



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