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Chart FX Lite and SQL Server

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I have seen a recent post explaining direct Stored Procedure from SQL Server

could'nt be used directly as chart DataSource.

Effectively, Chart FX doesn't seem to recognize DataType in this

case.(produce strange things)

The example shown in the Post use a DataSet.

I choose to use a direct SQL Command and populate the chart with OpenData,

it seems to me that it will be faster thant use Dataset.

It will be better and simple to have direct access to SQL Server.

Is it planned in a next version ?


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I have seen a recent post explaining direct Stored Procedure from SQL Server

could'nt be used directly as chart DataSource.

Effectively, Chart FX doesn't seem to recognize DataType in this

case.(produce strange things)

The example shown in the Post use a DataSet.

I choose to use a direct SQL Command and populate the chart with OpenData,

it seems to me that it will be faster thant use Dataset.

It will be better and simple to have direct access to SQL Server.

Is it planned in a next version ?


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