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How to use custom ucl,lcl and mean and to hide lines and labels generated by control?

User (Legacy)

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Forgive my rusty english.

I'm wondering the above subject now....

I added custom UCL and LCL contant lines to my X Chart and R chart.

Yes, It works good... but I can't hide the lines and labels generated by


I've changed the collection of studies , but in runtime the change doesn't


Also I think LCL values under 0 in R chart has no meanings....so I want it

to be hidden.

So I have added code as follows.

StudyConstant stdc = ( StudyConstant )this.stsRChart.Studies[2]; //

hide lcl( '2' is the LCL's index number of studies )

object[] _icol = ((object[])(stdc.ConstantLines)) ;

ConstantLine cstl = ( ConstantLine )(_icol[0]);

cstl.ShowLine = false;

cstl.ShowText = false;

stdc.Interactive = false;

stdc.ShowLabel = false;

stdc.Visible = false;

stdc.Value = double.NaN;

stdc.Text = "";

stdc = (StudyConstant)this.stsRChart.Studies[0]; // hide ucl( '0' is the

UCL's index number of studies )

_icol = ((object[])(stdc.ConstantLines)) ;

cstl = ( ConstantLine )(_icol[0]);

cstl.ShowLine = false;

cstl.ShowText = false;

stdc.Interactive = false;

stdc.ShowLabel = false;

stdc.Visible = false;

stdc.Value = double.NaN;

stdc.Text = "";

But it also doesn't work...:(

How can I use custom UCL/LCL lines and labels?

How can I hide generated UCL/LCL lines and labels?

Because the fractional vlaues of the generated are slightly different from

my custom values,

I need to do that...



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