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Histogram Sample, non random data?

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oops, i didn't see my post about the vertical lines got posted, sorry

"Brian Mackenzie" <bmackenzie@presstran.com> wrote in message


> Hello, I am trying to get a histogram working, and am wondering if there


> any resources showing how to populate a histogram with dataset data, as

> opposed to random data.


> How are the outer vertical lines (upper and lower control limits, in my

> case) set?


> Thanks



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The data in the histogram can come fro a datasource, the form of the data is

a sequence of values (order is irrelevant), each series in the chart becomes

a separate histogram.

After the data is read, the Min and Max the range will be calculated

(Max-Min) and based on the number of intervals (20 by default but can be

changed using statistical.Gallery.Histogram.Intervals) we count how many

values fall into each interval and we plot this.

So in the x-axis you will end up with the intervals and the y-axis is the

count of how many values fall into each interval.

The limit lines are for analysis and you can change them using the API, they

are not part of the data read from the dataset.



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