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Problem with highlight

User (Legacy)

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I've created my own legend with the following code:

this.LegendBox.Visible = true;

//Now let's hide the standard Legend Box Items

LegendItemAttributes legendItem = new LegendItemAttributes();

legendItem.Visible = false;

this.LegendBox.ItemAttributes[this.Series] = legendItem;



And when I click on a point of the dataGrid, nothing is highlighted in the

chart, even if I write

"base.LegendBox.Highlight.Enabled = true;"

Any idea? See attached picture.

Thx in advance!


Olivier Voyer

CYME International T&D

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We are unable to reproduce this problem using the latest Service Pack.

Please make sure you have the latest service pack. If the problem persists

please provide us either with a sample project that reproduces the problem

or Export the chart to a binary file (Export method) and attach it to your



Francisco Padron


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