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Developer license not recognized

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I work in a group of about 15 developers and we all have a ChartFx

developers license. When I run our winforms application, and open a window

that contains a chartFX control I see a chartFx nag screen that reads in


"This message is being desplayed because you are attempting to run or deploy

an application that was built with ChartFx developer studio".

Although I haven't asked everyone I seem to be the onyl one that has this

problem. I've reinstalled the the chartfx package, but I still have the

problem. I have tried rebuilding all our code and the problem still


As a test, I created a new winforms project and was able to add a chart and

run the the app. The default chartFx data was displayed, and no nag screen

was shown. So it is something about running a app on my box that was built

by another developer.

Our app uses a lot of charts, so please help. Thanks


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Chart FX Developer studio license works like this: You can build programs 

but you can not deploy them.

If you run a program built in another computer, you will get the Nag

message. This is by design. You need a development full license of Chart FX

in order to build application that you can deploy to other computers.


Francisco Padron


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I have a developers license, and I am not deploying the chart, I am only 

trying to run it on my development machine. When running my app, ChartFx

doesn't recognize that my machine has a developer license. Something must be

out of sync with the chartFx licensing, but I can't figure out what.



"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Chart FX Developer studio license works like this: You can build programs

> but you can not deploy them.


> If you run a program built in another computer, you will get the Nag

> message. This is by design. You need a development full license of Chart

> FX in order to build application that you can deploy to other computers.


> --

> Francisco Padron

> www.chartfx.com


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You said:

"So it is something about running a app on my box that was built by another


This is deployment. "another developer" built the application and deployed

it to you. It doesn't matter that you have another license of Chart FX in

your computer. From the point of view of this application you are a user,

not a developer. Only the machine that built the EXE is considered local.

What matters is the license the person that compiled the application had,

not the license in the computer running the application (which may not even

have a license at all).

As you already verified, applications that you compile in your computer run

without nagging.


Francisco Padron


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What I meant to say was the other developers do most of the development with 

chartFx. I rarely edit cfx related code on my pc. But, I still build the cfx

related code on my box.

I've also tried doing a re-build which didn't work. Could it be that the

since none of the code related to cfx changed, then the relevant licensing

stuff for a developers box doesn't get generated?



"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> You said:


> "So it is something about running a app on my box that was built by

> another developer."


> This is deployment. "another developer" built the application and deployed

> it to you. It doesn't matter that you have another license of Chart FX in

> your computer. From the point of view of this application you are a user,

> not a developer. Only the machine that built the EXE is considered local.

> What matters is the license the person that compiled the application had,

> not the license in the computer running the application (which may not

> even have a license at all).


> As you already verified, applications that you compile in your computer

> run without nagging.


> --

> Francisco Padron

> www.chartfx.com


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When VS compiles, it creates a file with .licenses extension:

<your executable name>.exe.licenses

This file is created when you build, however it may be cached in the obj

folder. Doing a rebuild-all usually forces a new file. The contents of this

file are obtained from each control. Chart FX will contribute to this file

with the license information found in the computer's installation files and


It is ultimately this file that contains the license information for all the

controls your application uses. Notice that this license file is in the

executable (EXE) only, it is not in dlls, so whoever builds this executable

needs to have this file.

It doesn't matter what part of the code you work on, if you build the

.licenses file and you have a Developer Studio license, only your computer

can run the EXE without a nag message.

Notice that none of this is controlled by us, this is all part of .NET's

licensing infrastructure. The only part that we have control of is which

content to contribute.


Francisco Padron


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