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coloring of points

User (Legacy)

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I have a line chart which defaults to blue squares for the points and

connecting blue lines - all this is done by the chart when I bind a

dataset to it. One of the points is important so would like it to stand

out. If I change that point's color to red, the following line segment

also changes to red. I would like just the point to change to red and

leave all line segments between points to be blue. Is that possible?

Or is there another way to highlight the point?



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The following KB article explains how to customize the line color 

independent of the marker color:

Q6001043. How to change the line color for a selected series while the

markers keep the original series color

Once you set the color of the series using BorderColor as explained in the

above article, you can set the color to the special point without affecting

the line.


Francisco Padron


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